Monday, June 7, 2010

God needs no explanation

God and Satan talk in the Bible and it looks like a giant chess game with Job's family as the pawns. In the garden God calls to Adam, "Where are you?", but doesn't he already know? Joshua is told by God to leave no survivors; where is the love and mercy in that?! People are offended by these and other scriptures, sometimes wanting nothing to do with God because if it.

There are explanations, sure, and we are quick to provide, but this surfaces an important fact about our Heavenly Father - God doesn't try to explain Himself.

Our culture demands explanations. From presidents, employees, preachers, parishioners, parents, children, in public and in private, to others and to ourselves we feel explanations must be given; they don't have to be true only plausible.

God doesn't play along!

Jesus was (and is) constantly misunderstood; at one point losing all but his closest disciples because of it. His response was not, "Wait, let me explain!", he kept loving and obeying the Father. He later put it this way,
"ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep ... My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me" - John 10:26-27 (KJV)
True, we are not to blatantly disregard the feelings of others but we shall be misunderstood no matter what we do. We are not to waste time defending and explaining, but keep loving and serving Christ, always ready to explain our hope which sustains us. (1st Peter 3:15)

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