Wednesday, June 30, 2010

What is Full-time Christian Service?

We are all called to "Full-time Christian Service". No, not as a pastor, missionary, or "Evangelist" but to be fully engaged with Christ in the roles we have.

We are conditioned to think service to Christ means doing "religious" things and we find those things increasingly irrelevant. We are not called to live his life, we are to allow him to live ours. Recognizing his presence to help us do our lives his way is very relevant, even essential.

Dallas Willard, a university professor, put it this way,
"As Jesus' apprentice ... I constantly have before me the question of how he would deal with students and colleagues ... How would he design a course ... How would he compose a test, administer it, and grade it? What would his research projects be, and why?1
Begin by asking, "Would Jesus do this line of work?" If not ask him to lead you to something else but if, "Yes", ask him do it through you his way.

Butchers and bakers, homemakers and pastors, missionaries and factory workers, if serving Christ, are all in Full-Time Christian Service.

- fritz

1 - The Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard, Published by HarperCollins e-books, Copyright 1998

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